Adding a tyre asset

Adding a tyre is quick and easy with only 6 fields to which you can enter data, however 4 are mandatory.  The fields you should populate are:

  • Serial Number – This will auto populate the tyres asset number (mandatory)
  • Tyre Specification – Important for reporting as tyre specifications are assigned to the asset.
  • Disposition –  (mandatory)
  • Inspection – In weeks (Mandatory)
  • Cost – This is important to calculate the full total cost of ownership (TCO).  If the cost is set in the specification it will be automatically populated. However, you have the option to change if necessary.

Add Vehicle dialogue

 By default, the serial number automatically populates the asset number.  However the asset number can be modified by clicking on the asset number

To add a Tyre asset press the "Add" button  and select Tyre from the menu

For a tutorial on how to add a Tyre asset, please go here: