Asset groups

Asset Groups are an extremely powerful type of group used for reporting purposes. They allow you to group dissimilar assets. An example of where this would be beneficial is if you would like to do an inventory report of only Michelin tyres.  Like the Fleet, asset groups are extremely easy to create and you add assets to them in the same way as you would add a vehicle to a fleet.   Another type of group you will see is the Dynamic Asset Group or DAG for short.  This type of group is created automatically based on specification type and disposition. These groups are maintained by the system and are used extensively in the reporting and forecasting modules. Asset Groups are located and created within the Asset Groups sub-module located in Assets Module.

Asset Group sub-module

Creating an Asset Group is a simple process, however adding assets to an asset group is completed by accessing the context menu associated with the asset object.

To add an asset group, navigate to the ‘Asset Group’ sub-module and press the add  button located on the far right of the screen and select ‘Add Asset Group’ from the menu.  The below dialogue box will be displayed asking you to type the Asset Group name, which is mandatory, and a description.  

Add Asset group dialogue

Once finished pressto save. Once created the asset group object will be displayed in the object or data context. The Asset Group data object only displays the name of the fleet, in this case below ‘40” Tyres’ along with a brief description.

Asset group object

From the context menu, you can view the contents of the Asset Group or edit the contents, although only removing Assets is permitted.

Here are two examples of DAG’s.  One is of a type ‘disposition’ and the other a ‘tyre’.  The quick information displayed on the object allows you to quickly determine the type of group it is, and the number of assets in the group.

You can also edit DAG’s.  If an asset needs to be removed from the group, select the asset you wish to remove and click the remove button, also, don’t forget to save!  Once an asset is removed from a DAG it will only be added to a new DAG if it’s disposition changes.

Edit DAG

You can filter asset group types by using the filter drop down.  By default, all group types are listed.

Group Filter